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This blog offers refreshment and hope to the weary. It doesn’t begin to have all the answers, but God does. Whenever he brings relief in the midst of a crushing day, a small miracle happens. Share yours with us!

Monday, November 29, 2010

How much do you really have? Freshen up your perspective

[I also posted an entry about the story in this blog last year, but it touches my heart so much, I'm sharing it again.]
Of course, I don’t mean you should give so much that you suffer from having too little.  I only mean that there should be some equality. Right now you have plenty and can help them.  Then at some other time they can share with you when you need it.  In this way, everyone’s needs will be met.   
2 Corinthians 8:13,14
            If you’re having a good day, pour out your energy into lifting someone else up. I know you know this. When you spend your strength and hope on those who are hurting, needing the gift of encouragement, God will shower it back on you just when you need it most. 
            You know how stressful the Christmas season can be for most people, so it won’t be hard to find targets of opportunity.  Understand, of course, that sometimes, that means just being with someone who needs your presence, not your presents.  Perhaps even crying with someone who’s spending the first Christmas without that person they loved, and not talking them out of their tears.  If this is your first Christmas without a loved one, you will be the best person to share that pain, because you know exactly how hard it is.
            One Christmas, when my grandmother, Nelda, was in her eighties, she shared a tender story from her childhood with me.  Her parents were barely earning enough money for food and rent one year, so when Christmas came, a tree was not even a possibility for their little family.  But Mimi, Nelda’s mother, pulled out her box of tree ornaments anyway.  Simply because they were without a Christmas tree, didn't mean the house had to be barren. 
     Mimi decided to hang the ornaments up. She picked what might seem an odd spot:  the sofa cushions.    What she did was choose to take what she still had, rather than bemoan what she did not have. With that she created a bit of festivity in their little apartment, and made the best of things.  She never acted as if there were anything unusual about using the couch as a Christmas tree. I have often thought of her courage, her dignity, and resourcefulness in the face of adversity.
       When your account is overdrawn, God promises to raise up someone, something, some means to provide for you. Ask him to send someone to share with you this very day. 
      Hold our mighty God to his promises. If your Christmas decorations are in a box this year, ask for his help and creativity. He is the the One who hung the stars in space. It would be insulting to expect too little of him.  May he provide in wondrous ways for you and yours.

1 comment:

  1. As a recent recepient of many people giving so much to help us out (including you!) I can speak to this truth...it makes me excited to be able to help people when I'm at a point when I can again!


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