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This blog offers refreshment and hope to the weary. It doesn’t begin to have all the answers, but God does. Whenever he brings relief in the midst of a crushing day, a small miracle happens. Share yours with us!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

An Awesome Place

In that day, the Lord will rescue his people. They will sparkle in his land like jewels in a crown. How wonderful and beautiful they'll be! Zechariah 9
     While looking through recent emails this morning, I came across one from a dear friend, dated July 1st. On that day I had been in the physical let-down from my intensive class, but also facing some other big challenges I can't share about at length here right now--I'm about to catch a plane to Los Angeles to visit my parents and family there. 
     All I can say is that very day, as my friend was praying for me, encouraging me, God was behind the scenes working to arrange wonderful, unexpected answers for my problems.  I'll share more about this in the future, as I'm able, but I write this to encourage you, dear reader.  
     God is doing this for you as well.  When you are beaten down and discouraged, and all around you looks bleak, remember that our Lord is working behind the scenes in your life to bring you out. Perhaps this is not the ultimate rescue, but it might be a resting place, an oasis.  That can make all the difference in a desert, can't it? 
     God was with Jacob as he laid his head on the rock for a pillow in his desert and then dreamed of angels on a ladder going into heaven.  That same God is with you in yours.  Like Jacob, we can say the Lord is with us, even when we don't realize it.  How awesome is it with HIM here!        
     And a hint  about what makes it awesome: not us, not the surroundings. The Eternal Lord God who was with Jacob, and who is with you and with me. 
     The great I AM. Not I WAS or I WILL BE.  I AM. I have to let go of my past and not fret about my future, and stay NOW, where God is. Forever. 

“Surely the Lord is in this place, and I did not know it…How awesome is this place!” Jacob, Genesis 28

1 comment:

  1. What caught me is the line-I have to let go of the past-especially since Thursday I have had some HEAVY DUTY stress and have not been able to release or get away from it. Then I again read I AM...and yes He has been there every step of every day. As I read both, the stress released and peace is slowly flooding my soul. Thank you.


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