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This blog offers refreshment and hope to the weary. It doesn’t begin to have all the answers, but God does. Whenever he brings relief in the midst of a crushing day, a small miracle happens. Share yours with us!

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Giving it to the eternal God

     While visiting my family last week, on Sunday morning we went to the church where I'd been an active member for 16 years before moving to Colorado in the early 1990s. Before we left for church, the Lord prompted me to put the copy of my little book, Crisis Survival Rations, into my purse.  I had brought one copy of it, and one of Crisis? What Crisis? More about that, in the next post.
     The music was powerful. Tommy Watson's "I Will Not Be Shaken" was one of the songs--I'd never heard it before, and if you get a chance to hear it--do!   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f6egSTFQLWc
(That's a link to a performance from his home church.)
     Guess what the pastor's topic was?  Crisis.  How people turn inward, but how they need to reach outward to others (and to God) in their distress.  Guess what my book is about? Crisis. It's written in the first person for that purpose, to use that very tendency and draw a person in pain through a process of healing to God's hope and a realistic sense of his presence.  All the while, it's encouraging someone to reach out to others and encourage them in their needs as well, which will encourage them as they do it.
      Well, of course, I had the whole time of the sermon to go through the testing process.  First, I had to be tempted by the thought of being about to approach the pastor with my book.  Yay!  I might actually sell some books! What a concept. Even though I know they truly do help people, my motives might not be entirely pure.  Ok. NEXT!  
      Well, it was alright to approach him with the book, because the book does, indeed help people.  Haven't I given at least 1000 of them away to hurting people over the years?  Haven't hundreds of people told me that they have kept it by their bedsides because it helped them get through their suffering?  This is just the truth.  God has used this book, because he is the one who gave it to me when I needed his deep encouragement in my own crisis.
       Then, God brought to my mind how I gave the book to him the first time years ago. In humility, I prayed on Sunday, Do with it whatever you want, Lord. Take it. It's from you, and for you. For the glory of Your Name and you alone, Lord. I give it again to you now.
     By the time the sermon was over, I was ready to give the pastor the book in the right spirit, and let the Lord do what he wanted. 
      When I handed the pastor my book, he instantly turned frosty  (he must get a lot of them from aspiring authors), and he handed it to an assistant standing next to him.  I did my best to explain that I was offering it for them to use in their counseling ministry, and that the book was exactly along the lines of what he'd been talking about. If they could use it to help people, I'd be glad to get them more copies as a ministry.  I tried to explain about the other people in that church I've already shared it with, who have been blessed by it.  Oh well.
     It's about HIM. 
     It doesn't matter what ends up happening.  It's in God's hands.  I had the book with me, and shared it.  That's all I was supposed to do.  The rest is up to our Lord.  I know he can use it if he chooses to, but that's up to him.  I don't need to worry about it. 
       Our God has gone ahead of you today, as he went ahead of me, preparing the way for whatever outcome he wants.  What unspeakable peace to be able to rest in that truth!  No need to fret or try to make things work out. He is working out the best plans--to his glory. May his Name be praised!

See, I am sending my angel ahead of you to guard you and to bring you to the place I have prepared.
Exodus 23:20

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