Welcome to Miracles Grow

This blog offers refreshment and hope to the weary. It doesn’t begin to have all the answers, but God does. Whenever he brings relief in the midst of a crushing day, a small miracle happens. Share yours with us!

Thursday, October 29, 2009

In the midst of the storm

Here in Colorado we are in the middle of an extended storm. Actually, multiple storms have collided with each other from different directions, and they've hit us one upon another. The roads are so dangerous to drive on that schools and businesses are closed for all but the most essential of services.

Sounds a lot like the way the storms of life hit us, doesn't it? If they could only come one at a time, we could manage them so much more easily. But they tend to pile up in the most inconvenient of ways, and they get stalled over our hearts and lives.

While snow storms bring misery and danger to those who are driving on icy roads, or dealing with power failures, they also bring joy to skiers, or to the children who have a day off with sledding and snowman-building.  The very same snow can bring an avalanche to those trapped in it, as well as life-giving water to those who will benefit from the rivers carrying down the melted snow in the springtime. 

We know our loving God can and will use the our struggles for good when we are suffering. Knowing this does make our pain more bearable. The same God who protected the disciples in the midst of their storm-tossed lake with Jesus will protect us in the midst of our own tempests. 

And please, while you're suffering, don't ever try to discount your crisis because you've compared it to someone else's. Jesus told us not to compare ourselves to others for a reason. Your life is the only one God is interested in when he's dealing with you.

As a therapist friend once said, "How many shotgun blasts does it take to count? Isn't one enough?"  If you heard your problems described to you by someone else, you'd have compassion on yourself. Your heavenly Father certainly does, so get into his perspective, would you please?

Our God offers you a place to hide in his loving shelter when you need to, and you are no coward if you take his offer of protection and mercy when you need it. Take it now, until your storm is past.

Have mercy on me, O God, have mercy! I look to you for protection. I will hide beneath the shadow of your wings until this violent storm is past.
Psalm 57:1

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