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This blog offers refreshment and hope to the weary. It doesn’t begin to have all the answers, but God does. Whenever he brings relief in the midst of a crushing day, a small miracle happens. Share yours with us!

Sunday, May 16, 2010


     I don't think I've spoken here about the Prodigal Son parable, but it's been on my mind lately. You've probably heard sermons about it so many times you glaze over at the thought, but let's try once more, for old times' sake. 
     As a younger person, I really identified with the older brother, as the older sister of brothers who were acting out.  They seemed to command much more attention for their misbehavior than I did for good behavior, good grades, outwardly good life. I didn't have enough perspective to realize that by judging them, I was demonstrating my own need for the Father's forgiveness, of course.
        The older I become, the more I understand that each of us plays all the roles in the story at different times in our lives. 
     I've played the heartsick parent, for example, when a relationship with one of my children was not right with God or with me. It gives me a tiny insight into how the Lord's heart must grieve over us when we're apart from him. I cannot begin to imagine what his sorrow is like over an entire world with its back turned on him.
     Every single day, I'm more aware of how much a Prodigal I myself am in comparison with God's standards of holiness. Without his mercy, we all deserve to be separated from him forever. This parable is enough to keep me in a state of constant humility before my God and my fellow man. How could I, as a Prodigal, ever judge anyone else's status be fore the Lord?   
     In Luke 15:17, when the Prodigal came to his senses, he realized that what he'd held in such indifference his whole life was better than the misery he'd brought upon himself in a foreign country. He returned, now offering to work as a hired hand for his father--his youthful arrogance long gone in the light of real life experience.  That's a great place to start: low expectations for what you deserve to receive, and high expectations for God's mercy and grace.
      Because all of us are Prodigals, we can feel the blessing of the Father's response:
     But while he was still a long way off, his father saw him and was filled with compassion for him; he ran to his son, threw his arms around him and kissed him. The son said, "Father, I have sinned against heaven and against you. I am no longer worthy to be called your son. " 
     But the father said to his servants, "Quick! Bring the best robe and put it on him. Put a ring on his finger and sandals on his feet. Bring the fattened calf and kill it. Let's have a feast and celebrate. For this son of mine was dead and is alive again; he was lost and is found." So they began to celebrate.  (Luke 15: 20-24)
Which role are you playing at this time in your life? Where is God in your perspective?  Whoever, wherever, may the knowledge of our Lord's blessing reach you where you need it most. To him be the glory!  

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